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Reminder: Special Speaker’s Event Tonight 7 pm in the ESA Library

Researchers Ruben Gaztambide-Fernandez and Gillian Parekh are coming to ESA tonight – Monday October 23rd to have a dialogue with interested parents on their academic study on the relationship between feeder schools and programs that guide students towards Specialized Arts Programs in Toronto that was published last spring.

It’s an opportunity for parents to ask the researchers questions about their study and the implications of its findings.

Ruben is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Gillian is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at York University.

This event is not intended to focus on the TDSB Enhancing Equity Task Force draft report recommendations that could impact the future of specialized schools in Toronto.

However, parents are welcome to remain after the event to discuss a potential School Council response to the Task Force’s report.

If you have any questions or comments please contact